Challenge #1 --- Rickety Bridge


Several people need to cross from the east side
of a bridge to the west side.  The bridge is
rickety, so no more than two people may be on
the bridge at any time.  It is also dark and
treacherous, so whatever group of people is on
the bridge must have with them the one available
flashlight .  As a result, the crossing must be of
the form:
     •    Two go west,
     •    One comes back east,
     •    Two go west,
     •    One comes back east,
     •    Two go west,
     •    etc...
For each person, it is known how many minutes
it takes him or her to cross the bridge when
traveling alone.  When two people cross
together, they cross at the rate of the slower

    The problem is to find the fastest way to get
all the people across the bridge.

Write a program to solve this problem.
Your program should be written in Java or C++.

The input will consist of several sets of integers,
one set per line.  Each set gives the crossing
times of the players in that instance.  Each
player’s crossing time will be in the range 1-100,
and the number of players will be between 2 and
12 in each case.

The output should be the total time needed in
each instance to get across the bridge, one
answer per line.

Sample Input
1 2
4 7 10
1 2 3 4
2 3 6 12
1 2 3 4 5

Sample Output

The deadline for submission is Monday, Sept. 26.

Many contests and challenges offer cash awards
to the winners, leaving them feeling cheap, as if
their talent was available to anyone at any time
for a price!  This challenges offers you points!
Each team or individual submitting a program is
eligible for points.  See rules for details.

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