Challenge #2 --- Aphids and Ladybugs


A farmer whose crops are infested with aphids
has opted for an organic approach to aphid
control:  Ladybugs.

In an experiment, the farmer releases a
popuation of aphids on one plant and a
population of ladybugs on another (not
necessarily distinct) plant.  These two
populations spread out to infect nearby plants.

After some time, the farmer closely inspects
those plants which have been infected by both
the aphids and the ladybugs.  We are concerned
with the number of plants which have been so

The farmer’s field can be modeled as an
xy-plane with a plant at each lattice point, that is,
at each point (a, b) where a and b are integers.
The plants infected by the two insects are those
which lie inside the intersection of two circles.

We may assume that the set of plants infected by a
given insect are those lying within a circle of
radius for some integer r, centered at some
lattice point (a, b).  There will be no plants on the
boundary of the circle; each plant will be at least
0.0003 from the boundary.  Each of a, b and r will be
in the range  –10,000 to 10,000.

Each input instance will be in the form:
X1  Y1  radius12  X2  Y2  radius22
(Note that the square of the radius will be given.)
and there will be at most 1000 instances.  The first line
of the input will contain the number of instances.

The output should be the number of lattice points
lying in the intersection of the circles.

Sample Input
0 0 1 4 4 1
0 0 3 0 0 3
0 0 3 2 0 7
1 3 43 4 7 63

Sample Output


The deadline for submission is Monday, October 10, 2005

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