3C. Function Libraries

Including libraries

Some functions are available to C++ programs as long as the program #includes them. To include the <cmath> library, write

  #include <cmath>
  using namespace std;
The #include line is a preprocessor directive. Notice that it does not end on a semicolon, since the preprocessor is line-oriented. The using line is ordinary C++, and it does end on a semicolon.

Only write

  using namespace std;
once. To include both the <cmath> and <algorithm> libraries, write
  #include <cmath>
  #include <algorithm>
  using namespace std;

The <cmath> library

The <cmath> library provides a few mathematical functions, including the following.


Approximately the square root of x.

pow(x, y)

Approximately xy, where x and y are real numbers.


The absolute value of int n.


The absolute value of real number x.

The <algorithm> library

The <algorithm> library provides the following useful functions.

max(u, v)

The larger of u and v. For example, max(3,7) = 7. This works for any numeric type.

min(u, v)

The smaller of u and v. For example, min(3,7) = 3. This works for any numeric type.


  1. What is the value of expression sqrt(25.0) Answer

  2. What is the value of expression max(3,8) Answer

  3. Is expression 2*sqrt(49) allowed? If so, what is its result? Answer