Auxiliary Information for Syllabus
CSCI 2530
Algorithms and Data Structures
Section 001
Fall 2017

Student conduct

Smoking is not permitted in classrooms. Please turn off telephones while in class.

Students are expected to abide by the university's Student Honor Code. The homework that you do is a critical part of your education. Each student is expected to do his or her own work. That does not mean you are not allowed to discuss your ideas with other students. Having study groups can be beneficial, and I encourage you to talk through ideas with other students. But outright copying is plagiarism, and is unacceptable. Students who copy other students' work, or who allow their work to be copied, or who copy their work from other sources, such as the internet, will receive no credit.

Weather emergencies

In the event of a weather emergency, information about ECU can be obtained through the following sources:

ECU emergency notices
ECU emergency information hotline 252-328-0062

Students with disabilities

East Carolina University seeks to comply fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students requesting accommodations based on a covered disability must go to the Department for Disability Support Services, located in Slay 138, before any accommodations can occur. The telephone number is 252-737-1016.

Retention requirements

Please be aware of the following GPA requirements. Please discuss the retention requirements, entrance to major requirements, and your goals with your academic adviser.

GPA Hours at ECU (identified in transcript in Banner Self Service) plus transferred credit hours Retention Requirements (GPA computed based on all courses taken at ECU)
1-29 semester hours 1.8
30-59 semester hours 1.9
60-74 semester hours 2.0
75 or more semester hours 2.0