The following page is created by: Hosein Yarmand

Web Mobile-Based Applications for Healthcare Management, 2007: eBook

Managing Healthcare Information Systems with Web-Enabled Technologies, 2000: eBook

Java Web Services Tutorial: Web Site

Research in eHealth

COMPETE Study: McMaster-based Clinical e-Health Research Program


Get Started With HL7 and Infoway

Health Level 7 (HL7)

Official HL7 Website

HL7 v3 Tutorilas , HL7 v3 and RIM tutorials
HL7 v3 Ballot, HL7 v3 main knowledge source
HL7 v3 Ballot Downloads , Work offline with ballot
ProtoGen, an implementation of HL7 standard, a PHD project
HL7 Tools, HL7 version of Australia
HAPI, A Java based API for HL7 2.x
HL7 Java SIG Project, another Java based API for HL7 RIM
HL7 Message structure, from IHE
Canada Health Infoway
Official Infoway Website
Artefact Repository (Knowledge way Login required)
Infoway Blueprint latest version (Knowledge way login required)
Infoway Knowledge way, contains published Infoway resources


Clinical Terminologies
Semantics At Work: Free book:Ontology Management – Tools and Techniques
Veterinary Terminology Service , a SNOMED -CT online browser
Apelon , a SNOMED-CT browsing software
jdet, a SNOMED-CT online browser
SNOMED, Systemized Nomenclature Medicine-Clinical Terms
CliniClue, a SNOMED-CT browsing software
LOINC, Logical Observation Identifiers Name and Codes
RELMA, a LOINC software
pCLOCD, pan-Canadian Laberatory Observation Code Database based on LOINC
Healthcare Conferences
Other Healthcare links
ALberta Netcare
Open Healthcare Framework (OHF), Eclipse project for HL7, Terminology and other services
IHE, an organization for integration of healthcare systems based on standards
IHE Wiki
CACR, Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation
OCRR, Ontatio Cardiac Rehab Registry
Open Clinical
HIPAA, Health Insuraance Portability and Accountability Act
PPC Lab, Pervasive Primacy Care Informatics


Network Simulator (NS)
NS by Example
NS for Windows , and other useful links
Research Using NS
NS Blog
NS Tutorials
QoS Analysis by NS
Self Simialr traffic generation by NS
BlueHoc, Bluetooth Simulator based on NS