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Boolean Expressions

Asking about relationships between numbers

A condition in an if-else statement is any expression that produces a result of type boolean. That is, it produces either true or false.

You can use comparison operators to compare things. The Java comparison operators are as follows.

x > y This is true if x is strictly greater than y
x < y This is true if x is strictly less than y
x >= y This is true if x is greater than or equal to y
x <= y This is true if x is less than or equal to y
x == y This is true if x is the same as y
x != y This is true if x is not the same as y

Notice that use use two consecutive equal signs to ask whether two values are the same. Be careful about that. Writing x = y is not the same as writing x == y.

Also, you cannot put any spaces inside a relational operator. For example, you are not allowed to write x = = y.


  1. What is the value of expression 24 <= 25? Answer[12]

  2. What is wrong with expression 24 =< 25? Why isn't it allowed? Answer[13]

  3. What is wrong with expression 24 !> 25? Why isn't it allowed? Answer[14]

  4. Is expression 24 > 25 allowed? Answer[15]

  5. Do you think that you are allowed to write expression x + 4 > 2 * y? Or do you have to compare just constants or variables, not more complicated expressions? Answer[16]

  6. (Trick question, so be careful) Suppose that variable w currently contains 68. What is the value of expression w = 64? Answer[17]

And, or and not

Sometimes you want to combine or modify conditions. You can use the following notation in Java.

A && B This is true if both A and B are true. However, if A turns out to be false, then B is not computed at all, since if A is false, the computer knows that A && B must also be false.
A || B This is true if either A or B or both are true. If A turns out to be true, then B is not computed at all, since, if A is true, then the computer already knows that A || B is true.
!A This is true if A is false, and is false if A is true.


  1. Suppose that x holds 19 and y holds 84. What is the value of expression x > y || y > 0? Answer[18]

  2. In mathematics, you often write multiple comparisons, such as x > y > z. But Java only allows you to compare two values at once. How can you write a Java expression that is true if x > y and y > z? Answer[19]

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