Write a definition of function removeFirst(n, s), where n is a nonnegative integer and s is a string. It should yield the string that you get be removing the first n characters from string s. (If s has fewer than n characters, then removeFirst(n, s) should yield an empty string.)
  removeFirst(0, "rabbit") = "rabbit"
  removeFirst(1, "rabbit") = "abbit"
  removeFirst(2, "rabbit") = "bbit"
  removeFirst(3, "rabbit") = "bit"
  removeFirst(4, "rabbit") = "it"
  removeFirst(5, "rabbit") = "t"
  removeFirst(6, "rabbit") = ""
  removeFirst(7, "rabbit") = ""
  removeFirst(2, "abcd") = "cd"
  removeFirst(5, "") = ""


  [Language: Cinnameg  Kind: function definition]