CSCI 2400/SENG 1010
Solutions for Practice Questions Set 1023

Write clear, readable proofs.

  1. Using proof by contradiction, prove that, if n is an integer where n3 + 5 is odd, then n is even.

    The proof is by contradiction.

    ¬(pq) ≡ (p ∧ ¬q). So the negation of the claim is: n3 + 5 is odd and n is odd. Assume that n3 + 5 is odd and n is odd.

    Since n is odd, n = 2k + 1 for some k. So

    n3 + 5 = (2k + 1)3 + 5
      = 8k3 + 3(4k2) + 3(2k) + 1 + 5
      = 2(4k3 + 3k2 + 3k + 3)

    which implies that n3 + 5 is even. That contradicts the assumption that n3 + 5 is odd.

  2. Prove the following by contradiction: There does not exist a rational number r such that r3+r+1=0. (Hint. Suppose that r=a/b where a and b are integers and fraction a/b is in lowest terms. Multiply both sides of equation r3+r+1=0 by b3. Then consider whether a and b are each even or odd.)

    The proof is by contradiction.

    Suppose that there exists a rational number r where r3 + r + 1 = 0.

    Choose integers a and b so that r = a/b and fraction a/b is in lowest terms. Then

    (a/b)3 + a/b + 1 = 0

    Multiplying both sides of that equation by b3 gives

    a3 + ab2 + b3 = 0

    Now consider whether each of a and b is even or odd.

    • a and b cannot both be even, since fraction a/b is in lowest terms.

    • a and b cannot both be odd. If a and b are both odd then a3, ab2 and b3 are all odd. Since the sum of three odd numbers is odd, a3 + ab2 + b3 must be odd, and cannot be 0.

    • It is not possible for a to be even and b to be odd. If that is true, then a3 is even, ab2 is even and b3 is odd. So a3 + ab2 + b3 is the sum of two even numbers and an odd number, which is odd, and cannot be 0.

    • It is not possible for a to be odd and b to be even. If that is true, then a3 is odd, ab2 is even and b3 is even. Again, a3 + ab2 + b3 is the sum of two even numbers and an odd number, which is odd, and cannot be 0.

  3. Prove that ∃xyP(x,y) → ∀yxP(x,y) is valid. That is, prove that it is true no matter what the definition of P(x, y) is.

    This was intended to be easy, but it apparently is not. I will take it step by step.

    1. We are asked to prove an implication. Let's do a direct proof. So assume ∃xyP(x,y). We will prove ∀yxP(x,y).

    2. Now we have existential knowledge, because we know ∃xyP(x,y). When you know that something exists that has property A, select a value that satisfies property A, and give that value a name.

      Note that ∃xyP(x,y) is the same as ∃x(∀yP(x,y)). Select r so that ∀yP(r,y) is true.

    3. We know that P(r,y) is true for every y. So, for every y, there is an x that makes P(x, y) true, namely, x = r.

      Writing that in logic, we know that ∀yxP(x,y) is true.

  4. Prove that for every nonzero real number x there exists a real number y such that xy=1. What algorithm does your proof use?

    This was intended to be trivial. You know how to solve equation xy = 1 when x ≠ 0. The solution is y = 1/x.

    Choose y = 1/x. The algorithm is the algorithm that takes the reciprocal of a real number.

  5. Prove that, for every nonnegative real number x there is a real number y such that y2x = 0. What algorithm does your proof use?

    You know how to solve equation y2x = 0 for y. Choose y to be the square root of x. The algorithm is the algorithm that computes the square root of a real number.