CSCI 2400/SENG 1010
Solutions for Practice Questions Set 1030

  1. True or false?

    1. { } ∈ {{ }}


    2. {0} ⊆ { }


    3. {{ }} ⊆ { }


  2. Give two sets A and B such that AB and AB.

    A = { } and B = {{ }}.

    Another solution is A = {2} and B = {2, {2}}.

  3. Suppose that A, B and C are sets. Show that

    1. (AB) ⊆ (ABC)

      Since SSC for any set S, (AB) ⊆ (AB) ∪ C

      You can also approach this using logic. Remember that the definition of ST is ∀x(xSxT).

      x ∈ (AB) xAxB
        x ∈ (ABC)
    2. (ABC) ⊆ (AB)

      Since SCS for any set S, (AB) ∩ C ⊆ (AB)

    3. (AC) ∩ (CB) = { }

      A value x is in (AC) if and only if xA and xC. Value x is in (CB) if and only if xC and x ∉ B. So

      (AC) ∩ (CB) = {x | (xAxC) ∧ (xC and xB)}

      Since xC contradicts xC, there are no values x that satisfy the membership requirement for (AC) ∩ (CB).

  4. Suppose that A and B are subsets of universal set U. Show that ABBA.

    AB x(xAxB) (by the definition of ⊆)
      x(xBxA) (by taking the contrapositive)
      x(xBxA) (by the definition of the complement of a set)
      BA) (by the definition ⊆)