CSCI 2400/SENG 1010
Solutions for Quiz 3

  1. Prove that there exists an ideal integer.

    Since the proper divisors of 6 are 1, 2 and 3 and 6 = 1 + 2 + 3, 6 is an ideal number.

    The purpose of this question was to see if you could apply a simple definition and whether you could do a constructive existence proof.

  2. Using the definition of an odd integer, prove that, for every positive integer n, if n is odd then n is the difference of two squares.  (That is, n = i2j2 for two integers i and j.)

    (Hint. Look at (k+1)2k2.)

    Suppose n is an odd positive integer. Then n = 2k + 1 for some integer k. Notice that (k + 1)2k2 = 2k + 1. So n = (k + 1)2k2, showing that n is the difference of two squares.

    The purpose of this question was to see whether you can carry out a simple direct proof of an implication.

  3. Using the definition of the harmonic mean of two numbers, prove by using the contrapositive that, for every two positive real numbers x and y, if x < y then the harmonic mean of x and y is less than y.

    The contrapositive of the statement is: If the harmonic mean of x and y is ≥ y then xy. We prove that using a direct proof.

    Suppose that the harmonic mean of x and y is ≥ y. That is,

    2/(1/x + 1/y)  ≥  y

    Since 1/x + 1/y = (y + x)/xy and x and y are both positive,

    2xy/(x + y)  ≥  y
    → 2x/(x + y)  ≥  1
    → 2x  ≥  x + y
    x  ≥  y

    The purpose of this question was to see whether you can carry out a proof of an implication using the contrapositive.

  4. Prove or disprove the following statement. If it is false, give a counterexample.

    For all positive integers n and m, if nm + n is odd then either n is even or m is odd.

    The statement is false. n = 1 and m = 2 is a counterexample, since then nm + n is odd, n is odd and m is even.

    The purpose of this question was to see if you think before you start to write a proof.