CSCI 2405
Discrete Mathematics II
Section 001
Fall 2017

Class meeting 10:00–10:50 MWF
Rivers 212
Instructor Karl Abrahamson
Office Sci&Tech C-113
Office hours
Monday 4:00–5:00
Tuesday 11:00–12:00 and 3:00–4:00
Wednesday 4:00–5:00
Friday 11:00–12:00
or by appointment    
Phone 328-9689
Course web page
My web page
Textbook "Discrete Structures". First edition. Harriet Fell and Javed A. Aslam. Cognella.
Optional Textbook "Discrete Mathematics and its Applications". Seventh edition. Kenneth H. Rosen. McGraw Hill.


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Course objectives
  3. Grading
  4. Attendance policy
  5. Recommendations for success
  6. Additional information


The prerequisite is CSCI 2400, Discrete Mathematics I, or equivalent. You should be familiar with:

Course objectives


The following is an approximate list of topics to be covered.

  1. Number systems. Definitions, conversions. Proofs.

  2. Counting. Basic counting techniques. Permutations and combinations. Proofs.

  3. Probability. Probability spaces. Conditional probabilities. Proofs.

  4. Sequences. Arithmetic, geometric and quadratic sequences. Series and generating functions. Proofs.

  5. Proof by induction. Well-ordered sets.

  6. Recurrences and recursion. Solving recurrences. Proofs.

  7. Graphs and trees. Properties of graphs and trees. Algorithms on graphs. The α-β algorithm on trees. Proofs.

Student competencies

After successfully completing this course, students will have the following abilities.


Midterms and the final exam

There will be 4 midterm exams, on the following dates.

  1. Friday, September 15
  2. Friday, October 13
  3. Friday, November 3
  4. Friday, December 1

There will be no makeups for missed quizzes.

You can bring one prepared 8.5x11" piece of paper, written on both sides, to each quiz. You can write anything that you like on that paper. I will not collect it.

The final exam will be at 8:00am–9:30am Friday, December 8. The final exam will cover all of the material for the course. You can bring two prepared 8.5x11" pieces of paper to the final exam.

Computing grades

Grades will be computed as follows. Percentages will be chosen from the given ranges to maximize your score.

4 midterms 25%–40%
A comprehensive final exam 25%–35%
Homework 20%–30%
Attendance 10%

You will start with 10 points for attendance and lose one point for each unexcused absence.

Tentative cutoffs for grades will be as follows. These cutoffs will not be raised.

Grade cutoffs
A 93% C+ 76%
A– 90% C 72%
B+ 87% C– 68%
B 83% D+ 64%
B– 80% D 60%
    D– 56%


No incompletes will be issued in this course except for extraordinary circumstances, and even then only if you are nearly done already and have done work of acceptable quality, so that it is realistic that you can pass the course. An incomplete will not be given simply because a student could not find the time to do the course work. By registering for this course, you are committing to finding time to do the work.

Attendance policy

You are expected to attend class. You are responsible for announcements and assignments given in class. If you miss a class, it is up to you to obtain notes and any other information that was provided in the class. Excuses that you did not know about something because you did not come to class and did not obtain the information will not count for anything at all.

Those who do not attend class can count on doing poorly in this course. If you choose not to attend class, then you must live with the consequences of that choice, however bad they are.

Even if you believe you already know what we are covering, come to class. If you don't, you will end up missing material that you did not know we were going to cover and you will fall behind.

If you are having trouble understanding the lectures, do not stop coming to class. Come to office hours. Get help as early as possible.

Recommendations for success

  1. Resolve to work hard and get a good grade in this class.

  2. Attend class. Arrive on time.

  3. Do not bring distractions to class. If you read your email, listen to music, send and receive text messages or engage in other distracting activities during class, you will get very little out of class. That will show up in your grade.

  4. Ask questions in class. If you do not understand something, ask a question about it.

  5. Ask questions outside of class. If you have a question about an assignment, ask.

    Please use a subject indicating that you are asking a question for CSCI 2405, and always include your name in your email. A reasonable subject for a question about assignment 3 is

    CSCI 2405 question about assignment 3
    Please send email to the address listed on the first page of this syllabus. Do not expect immediate answers. Give yourself time to get answers.

  6. Schedule time to work outside of class.

  7. Get adequate sleep. Sleep is important both before and after you learn new concepts. Sleep before enables you to concentrate and think clearly, and sleep afterwards is critical for moving new information into permanent memory.

Additional information

For information about

please see the auxiliary information at