4B. Assignment Statements

Storing a value into a variable


  size = 2;
stores 2 into variable size . A statement that stores a value into a variable is called an assignment statement.

Notice that an assignment statement does not begin with a type. Writing a type turns an assignment statement into a declaration of a new variable.

The right-hand side of = can be any expression. Assignment statement

  v = E;
is performed by first evaluating E, then storing the value of E into variable v.

Using a variable

You can use a variable in (almost) any place where you can use a constant. For example,

  int x, y;
  x = 2;
  y = x + 3;
ends with y = 5.

Changing the value of a variable

It is easy to change the value of a variable in an assignment statement. For example,

  int x;
  x = 1;
  x = x + 2;
ends with x = 3. The third line first gets the value of x (1) and evaluates 1 + 2, yielding 3. Then it stores 3 into x.

When you use a variable, you always get the current  value of that variable. For example

  int x, y;
  x = 1;
  x = x + 2;
  y = x;
  x = x + 1;
ends with y = 3.


  1. What is the value of y after the following?

      int y;
      y = 2;
      y = y + 1;
      y = y + 1;

  2. What is the value of y after the following?

      int y;
      y = 2;
      y + 1;
      y + 1;

  3. What is the value of variable r after the following?

      double r = 2/3;