23A. Passing Arrays to Functions

Since an array is a pointer, arrays are passed to functions by pointer. Here is a function that sets the first n variables of array of integers A to 0.

  void zero(int* A, const int n)
    for(int k = 0; k < n; k++)
      A[k] = 0;

To use zero, pass it an array and the size of that array. Assume that constant Bsize  has previously been defined.

  int B[Bsize];
  zero(B, Bsize);
Notice that argument B does not have any decoration. Don't add [] after it. Nothing needs to be done to convert B to a pointer; it already is a pointer.

Alternative notation

C++ offers an alternative notation for passing arrays to functions that we have already seen. Instead of writing int* A in the function heading, you can write int A[]. Heading

  void zero(int A[], const int n)
is equivalent to heading
  void zero(int* A, const int n)
The former form has the advantage that it clearly indicates that A is an array, not a pointer to just one thing. For that reason, it is preferred. Note that Java notation int[] A is not allowed in C++. The brackets come after the name of the parameter.