27A. Structures

Structured values

A structured value is a collection of variables, called fields, each with a name and a type. For example, a structured value might contain an integer called item and a const char* pointer called name, as shown in the following diagram.

Structured values (or simply structures) are useful because they allow you to group values and to treat the group as a single value.

Structure types

Each structured value has a type that must be defined within the program. Define a type of structures using struct. For example,

  struct PairOfInts
    int a;
    int b;
creates a new type PairOfInts, where a value of type PairOfInts has two fields, called a and b, each of type int. Type definition
  struct Cell
    int         item;
    const char* name;
defines type Cell with two fields, corresponding to the diagram above. (Remark: The const designator for field name indicates that the characters in array name cannot be changed. You are free to store a different pointer of type const char* into a structure of type Cell.)

Notice the semicolon at the end of a structure type definition. Be sure to include it.

Where to define structure types

If module A.cpp exports a structure type, put the type definition in A.h, and only in A.h. If A.cpp does not export the structure type, put the type definition near the beginning of A.cpp.


  1. Write a definition of structure type Employee, where a value of type Employee has three fields: (1) a constant null-terminated string called name, (2) a value of type double called salary and (3) a constant null-terminated string called office.
