35B. Linked Implementation of FIFO Queues

Now let's turn to the issue of implementing FIFO queues. Our goal is to make each operation on a queue to take a constant amount of time, independent of the length of the queue. That is, each operation should take O(1) time.

Representing a FIFO queue

The first concern is how to represent the information in a queue. A reasonable choice is a linked list, in order from the first item in the queue to the last item. But that has a difficulty. To add an item to the end requires traversing the entire list to find the end, which does not meet our constant time requirement.

We can improve on that by keeping two pointers, one to the first cell and one to the last cell. For example, if q holds [2, 4, 6] (from front to back), then we keep a structure holding two pointers, front and back, such as the following.

Now all of the operations can be done in constant time. Any operation that works at the front of the list uses the front pointer, and the insertAtEnd operation, which works at the back of the list, can use the back pointer to jump directly to the spot where the change needs to be made.

But notice that the last list cell holds a null pointer. We don't really need that; we can recognize the last cell because its address is the same as the back pointer. Can we put that pointer to use? If it points to the front of the list, then we can dispense with the front pointer, keeping only the back pointer. The front pointer is just back->next. So our diagram looks like this.

There is still the matter of an empty queue to consider. An obvious way to represent an empty queue is using a null back pointer, and that is what we do.

Shrink-wrapping the queue

Our goal is to implement an abstract data type. Only the module that implements this type should be aware of how the information is represented. It would not be possible for another module to say

  Queue q = NULL;
because that would require knowledge that a queue is represented as a pointer, and that NULL represents an empty queue. Also, we have promised that, when an object of type Queue is created, it is automatically initialized to an empty queue. To deal with that, we wrap a structure around the back pointer. That way, the structure can be initialized automatically using a parameterless constructor.

A header file

File queue.h holds the required types and prototypes for the functions. Notice that it is not necessary to say what a QueueCell looks like, so we move that information into the implementation file, queue.cpp.

To understand the functions, work them through by hand on a drawing of an example queue.

  struct QueueCell;

  // An object of type Queue is a FIFO queue holding integers.
  // It is represented by a circular linked list.

  struct Queue
    QueueCell* back;  // Pointer to the last cell, or NULL
                      // if the queue is empty.

    // A queue is initially empty.

      back = NULL;

  bool isEmpty     (const Queue& q);
  void insertAtEnd (int x, Queue& q);
  int  removeFirst (Queue& q);
  int  peek        (const Queue& q);


  #include "queue.h"

  // An object of type QueueCell is one cell in a
  // linked list that represents a Queue.

  struct QueueCell
    int        item;    // The value stored in this cell.
    QueueCell* next;    // A pointer to the next cell.

    QueueCell(int it, QueueCell* nx)
      item = it;
      next = nx;

  // The front of the queue is found in the 'next' pointer
  // of the back cell, provided the back pointer is not NULL.
  // FRONT stands for back->next.

  #define FRONT back->next

  //          isEmpty
  // Return true if q is an empty queue.

  bool isEmpty(const Queue& q)
    return q.back == NULL;

  //          insertAtEnd
  // Insert x at the back of queue q.

  void insertAtEnd(int x, Queue& q)
    if(q.back == NULL)
      QueueCell* p = new QueueCell(x, NULL);

      p->next = p;
      q.back  = p;
      QueueCell* p = new QueueCell(x, q.FRONT);

      q.back->next = p;
      q.back       = p;

  //          peek
  // Return the first item in queue q.
  // If q is empty, return -1.

  void peek(const Queue& q)
      return -1;
      return q.FRONT->item;

  //          removeFirst
  // Remove and return the first item in
  // queue q.  If q is empty, return -1
  // and do not modify q.

  void removeFirst(Queue& q)
      return -1;
      QueueCell* f      = q.FRONT;
      int        result = f->item;

      if(q.back == f)  // Removing last item
        q.back = NULL;
        q.FRONT = f->next;

      delete f;
      return result;


  1. Why can't type Queue be defined more simply by

      typedef QueueCell* Queue;
    instead of creating a structure type that contains a pointer? Answer

  2. Would it be reasonable to represent a queue as a linked list of its members from back to front, with a pointer to the first cell and a pointer to the last cell? Answer

  3. A doubly-linked list has two pointers in each cell, one to the next cell and one to the previous cell. Would a doubly-linked list work for representing a queue? Answer

  4. A deque is like a queue except that you can remove from either end and add a new value to either end. So you might have functions insertAtFront, insertAtEnd, removeFromFront and removeFromEnd. Does the representation used here allow all of those operations to be done in constant time per operation? Answer

  5. See the previous two questions for descriptions of doubly linked lists and deques. Does use of a doubly-linked list allow for efficient implementation of a deque? Answer