Compilation, Linkage and File Names

Major errors

Your program must compile without errors [up to 100%]

A program that does not compile without errors automatically receives a grade of 0.

Do not include a .cpp file inside another .cpp file [5-10 points]

If you write
  #include "tools.cpp"
you are linking incorrectly. Use
  #include "tools.h"
and link correctly.

If your software links incorrectly, it will not link correctly when I compile it. That forces me to edit your program to make it possible for me to test it. I will not be happy about that.

Your program should compile without warnings [4-8 points each, 5% max]

Avoid compiler warnings. They usually tell you about an important issue with your program. Since I will compile with warnings turned on, you should also turn them on. That you chose not to request warnings is not an excuse for ignoring them.

You will lose 2 points for each minor warning and 5 points for each serious warnings. You would do well to assume that all warnings are serious.

Minor errors

Do not include prototypes in hearder files for functions that are not exported. [8 points each, 1% max]

If a module has a well-defined interface, do not unnecessarily add information to its header file that is not part of the interface.

Use the required file names [6 points for each incorrect file name, 1% max]

Each assignment indicates the names to use for files. Use those names.

Use the exact file names given with the assignment, including correct case of letters. File names graph.cpp and Graph.cpp are different file names.

If your file names are not the required ones, then I have to rename your files to make them work with my tester. I will not be happy about that.