11D.1. Control Only One Variable in a For-Loop Heading

Recall that a for-loop is intended to simplify the thought process by separating a loop into two parts, the sequence that you want to look at, and what you want to do for each member of that sequence.

For example, a for-loop is convenient for computing powers. Here is a sensible definition of a power function.

  // power(x,n) returns x to the n-th power.
  // Requirement: n > 0.

  double power(const double x, const int n)
    double p = x;
    for(int k = 2; k <= n; k++)
      p = p * x;
    return p;
There are two loop-control variables, k and p. The for loop logically breaks into two parts, one concerned with k and the other with p. The k part is:
    for(int k = 2; k <= n; k++)
which makes k take on each member of sequence [2, 3, 4, …, n]. The p part is:
    double p = x;
    for(k = …)
      p = p * x;
    return p;

What about the following version of power?

  double power(const double x, const int n)
    double p = x;
    for(int k = 2; k <= n; p = p * x)
    return p;
That works, but management of k and p are not separable. That makes it much more difficult to understand than the previous version. To make your code easier to understand, concentrate on one control variable in a for-loop heading. The standards require you to do that.