Introduction to Linux and the Local Machines


Linux is an operating system, in the same class of software as Microsoft Windows or MacOS. Unlike Windows or MacOS, which are end-user operating systems, Linux has been designed by programmers for programmers.

Linux comes in a lot of flavors and derivatives. Google's Android operating system (a small end-user operating system) is based on Linux. The software that runs the CERN Large Hadron Collider is based on Linux. Linux software is open-source; the source code is readily available and customizable.

You will need to make some use of Linux for this course. It is a good idea to learn how to use Linux rather that avoiding it. That will pay dividends for you later.

The local configuration

Here is a diagram of a few machines on the ECU campus. (xlogin) is a server that runs a version of Linux. It provides support for editing, compiling and running C++ programs. It also has the submit tool that you are required to use to submit your assignments.