Implementation of Height-Balanced Binary Search Trees

The Node type and getting the height

  struct Node;

  int height(const Node* T);

  struct Node
    int   item;      // Information at this node
    int   ht;        // height of this node
    Node* left;      // The left subtree
    Node* right;     // The right subtree

    Node(int it, Node* lft, Node* rgt)
      item  = it;
      left  = lft;
      right = rgt;
      ht    = 1 + max(height(lft), height(rgt));

  //               height
  // height(T) returns the height of tree T.
  // Requirement: If T is nonempty, then the
  // ht field has already been set correctly
  // T.

  int height(const Node* T)
    if(T == NULL)
      return 0;
      return T->ht;

  //               installHeight
  // installHeight(T) sets T->ht to the
  // height of T.
  // Requirements:
  //   (1) T is not empty.
  //   (2) The ht field has already been set
  //       correctly in every node of each
  //       subtree of T.

  void installHeight(Node* T)
    T->ht = 1 + max(height(T->left), height(T->right));


  //              singleRotateLeft
  // singleRotateLeft(T) performs a single
  // rotation from right to left at the
  // root of T.

  void singleRotateLeft(Node*& T)
    Node* r   = T->right;
    T->right = r->left;

    r->left  = T;
    T        = r;

  //              singleRotateRight
  // singleRotateRight(T) performs a single
  // rotation from left to right at the
  // root of T.

  void singleRotateRight(Node*& T)
    Node* L   = T->left;
    T->left  = L->right;

    L->right = T;
    T        = L;

  //              doubleRotateLeft
  // doubleRotateLeft(T) performs a double
  // rotation from right to left at the
  // root of T.

  void doubleRotateLeft(Node*& T)

  //              doubleRotateRight
  // doubleRotateRight(T) performs a double
  // rotation from left to right at the
  // root of T.

  void doubleRotateRight(Node*& T)

  //              rotateLeft
  // rotateLeft(T) performs a rotation from
  // from right to left at the root of T, 
  // choosing a single or double rotation.

  void rotateLeft(Node*& T)
    Node* r   = T->right;
    int  zag = height(r->left);
    int  zig = height(r->right);

    if(zig > zag)

  //              rotateRight
  // rotateRight(T) performs a rotation from
  // from left to right at the root of T, 
  // choosing a single or double rotation.

  void rotateRight(Node*& T)
    Node* L  = T->left;
    int  zig = height(L->left);
    int  zag = height(L->right);

    if(zig > zag)

  //              rebalance
  // rebalance(T) does the following.
  //   (1) Perform a rotation at T if required.
  //   (2) Set the ht field of T correctly,
  //       regardless of whether or not a
  //       rotation is done.
  // Requirement: T must not be empty.

  void rebalance(Node*& T)
    int hl = height(T->left);
    int hr = height(T->right);

    if(hr > hl + 1)
    else if(hl > hr + 1)


Inserting with rebalancing is just the basic algorithm, but with a call to rebalance each time a subtree of a node is modified.

  //                insert
  // insert(x,T) inserts x into binary search tree T.
  // If x is already a member of T, it does nothing.
  // This function rebalances T after the insertion
  // if necessary.  It requires that T is
  // height-balanced when insert is called.

  void insert(int x, Node*& T)
    if(T == NULL)
      T = new Node(x, NULL, NULL);
    else if(x < T->item)
      insert(x, T->left);
    else if(x > T->item)
      insert(x, T->right);


For removeSmallest and remove, start with the basic functions, but rebalance any time a subtree of a node is modified.

  //               removeSmallest
  // removeSmallest(T) removes the smallest value from
  // binary search tree T and returns the value that
  // was removed.
  // Requirement: T must not be an empty tree.
  // This function rebalances T after removing the 
  // smallest value, if necessary.  It requires that T
  // is height-balanced when removeSmallest is called.

  int removeSmallest(Node*& T)
    if(T->left == NULL)
      int  result = T->item;
      Node* p      = T;

      T = T->right;   // subtrees are already balanced.
      delete p;
      return result;
      int result = removeSmallest(T->left);
      return result;

  //                remove
  // remove(x,T) removes x from binary search tree T.
  // If x is not in T, it does nothing.
  // This function rebalances T after removing x,
  // if necessary.  It requires that T is height-balanced
  // when remove is called.

  void remove(int x, Node*& T)
    if(T != NULL)
      if(x < T->item)
        remove(x, T->left);
      else if(x > T->item)
        remove(x, T->right);
      else if(T->left == NULL)
        Node* p = T;
        T = T->right;
        delete p;
      else if(T->right == NULL)
        Node* p = T;
        T = T->left;
        delete p;
      else {
        T->item = removeSmallest(T->right);


Lookup is the same as for an unbalanced tree.