1C. What You Should Already Know

The prerequisite for this course is CSCI 1010/1011 or equivalent. If you have not taken CSCI 1010/1011, pay careful attention to the following.

  1. You must have written a computer program yourself and got it to compile and run correctly on a computer. You can have received some help writing it, but you must not have relied on someone else to write it entirely. If you have not done what is described here, you are not prepared for CSCI 2530.

  2. You must be familiar with each of the following in at least one programming language.

    1. Variables
    2. If-statements
    3. Elementary loops
    4. Some form of input and output
    5. Function, method or subprogram definitions
    6. Elementary program design ideas
  3. Typing skills are not mandatory but they are extremely useful. If you are a hunt-and-peck typist, I strongly recommend that you enroll in a typing course. It will save you a lot of time in the long run.