9C. Hand Simulation of Loops

Does the definition of sum from a preceding page work correctly? Let's do a hand simulation of sum(3). Here is the definition of sum for reference.

  int sum(int n)
    int s = 0;       // the running sum
    int i = 0;       // how far we have gone?
    while(i < n)
      i = i + 1;
      s = s + i;
    return s;

Variables i and s change each time the loop body is performed, which makes crossing out and replacing values messy. Let's instead show the values of i and s in columns, with the most recent value at the bottom of the column. First, do the initializations.

     i    s    n
     0    0    3
Since the test i < n is true, we need to perform the loop body. First it adds 1 to i, giving
     i    s    n
     0    0    3
Next, it adds i to s. Notice that i is now 1.
     i    s    n
     0    0    3
     1    1
Again, i < n, so the loop body is done again. After doing the entire loop body, we have the following.
     i    s    n
     0    0    3
     1    1
     2    3
Since i is still less than n, we do the loop body again.
     i    s    n
     0    0    3
     1    1
     2    3
     3    6
Now i is not less than n. The loop is finished. Continuing with the next statement, the function returns 6, which is correct since 1 + 2 + 3 = 6.


  1. Do a hand simulation of the following loop. Show the values of n and r each time the loop reaches its top, including the first and last times.

      int r = 1;
      int n = 1;
      while(n < 5)
        n = n + 1;
        r = n * r;

  2. Do a hand simulation of the following loop. Show the values of n and r each time the loop reaches its top, including the first and last times.

      int r = 2;
      int n = 1;
      while(n < 10)
        if(n % 2 == 0)
          n = n + 1;
          r = r * r;