19E. Pointers

Pointers: memory addresses as values

A memory address is called a pointer because you can think of it as pointing to a specific spot in memory. From a machine language perspective, a pointer is the same as a long integer (32 bits on a 32-bit machine, 64 bits on a 64-bit machine.) A program can treat a pointer as information in the same way that it treats an integer as information.

But C++ treats pointers a little differently from the way they are treated in machine language. Each pointer p has a type that tells the type of value that is in the memory that p points to. To write the type of a pointer, write an asterisk after another type. For example,

Declaring pointer variables

Declare one pointer variable just like you would any other variable: write the variable's type followed by its name. For example,

  int* q;
declares a variable called q of type int*. No initial value is stored into q automatically; q starts out holding a junk pointer, and you need to store a good pointer into q before using it.

If you want to declare two or more pointer variables in one declaration, you need to be aware of a peculiarity of C++: Each variable that is a pointer needs to have a * in front of it. Statement
  char *r, *s;
declares variables r and s, each of type char*. Statement
  char *r, s;
declares variable r of type char* and s of type char. It does not matter where you put spaces. Statement
  char* r, s;
still makes s have type char, not char*.


  int a, *b, **c;
says that a has type int, b has type int* and c has type int**.

Operations on pointers


If x is a variable then &x is the memory address where x is stored. So

  int v;
  int* p = &v;
makes variable p hold the address of variable v. Observe that, for any type T:

If v has type T, then &v has type T *.

For example, if x has type int then &x has type int*.


If p is a pointer then *p is the variable to which p points. For example,
  int  v = 1;
  int* p = &v;
  *p = 2;
ends with v = 2, since *p is the same a v, as shown in the following diagram.

For any type T:

If p has type T * then *p has type T.

For example, pointer p declared above has type int*. So *p has type int.

q = p;

If you set pointer variable q equal to pointer variable p, then you are making q hold the same memory address as p. So q and p point to the same place, as in the following diagram.

It does not make q point to p.

*q = *p;

Remember that *p is the variable to which p points. Assignment *q = *p sets the variable to which q points equal to the variable to which p points. That is not at all the same as assignment q = p. For example, after
  int  x = 1, y = 2;
  int* p = &x
  int* q = &y;
  *q = *p;
variable y holds 1, since *p is the same as x and *q is the same as y, as illustrated:

The relationship between & and *

Operators & and * are opposites of one another.

In fact, *&x is always the same as x. Draw a pointer diagram and work that fact out from your diagram.

Helpful mnemonics

Notice that you write * after a type but before a variable. Here is a way to remember that. In declaration

  int * p;
the star comes between type int and variable p. That is, star comes after the type and before the variable. Recall that, for any type T, declaration
  T x;
declares variable x to have type T. So declaration
  int* p;
declares variable p to have type int*. Now, let's move the *:
  int *p;
That appears to be saying that *p has type int. And it does. C++ is free-form, and whether you write a space before or after * makes no difference in meaning.

Saying that p has type T* is equivalent saying that *p has type T.


  1. Suppose that w is a variable of type long. Write a statement that creates a variable q of type long* and makes q hold the address of variable w. Answer

  2. Are statements

      int r = 0;
      long* p = &r;
    allowed? Answer

  3. Are statements

      long r = 0;
      long* p = r;
    allowed? Answer

  4. Suppose that p is a pointer of type int*. Write a statement that stores 25 into the variable to which p points. Answer

  5. Suppose that variable p has type Widget*. What is the type of expression *p? Answer

  6. Suppose that variable w has type Widget. What is the type of expression &w? Answer