22C. Deleting Arrays

If p is an array that points to a chunk that is in the heap, then statement

 delete [ ] p;
deletes the chunk that p points to. You are required to use an empty pair of brackets after delete if you allocated p's chunk using new T[size ] for some type T and expression size. If p points to a variable that was allocated using new T, then you are required not to write an empty pair of brackets after delete. It is up to you do know which to use.

Delete an entire chunk

You cannot delete part of a chunk. Only use delete p or delete [] p if p is a pointer that was given to you using new. Deleting a pointer that was not given to you by new will corrupt the heap manager.

Never delete a chunk that is in the run-time stack

At this point, it should go without saying that deleting an array A that is allocated as

  T A[size];
will corrupt the heap manager. That is never good.


  1. Suppose array A has been created by

      double* A = new double[m];
    If you are done with array A and want to return its chunk to the heap manager, what statement should you use? Answer

  2. Suppose array A has been created by

      double A[m];
    When the program is done with array A, what should the program do? Answer

  3. There is something wrong with the following function. Explain what is wrong.

      // makeZeroedArray(n) returns an array with
      // n items, all set to 0.
      int* makeZeroedArray(int n)
        int* p = new int[n];
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
           p[i] = 0;
        delete [] p;
        return p;