CSCI 3300
Spring 2009
Exercises for Quiz 7

All of the lists for this problem set are lists of integers, The C++ problems use the following type Cell.

    struct Cell
      Cell* next;
      int item;

      Cell(int i, Cell* n)
        item = i;
        next = n;

  1. Suppose that drop(n, L) is intended to return the list that you get by removing the first n members of list L. For example, drop(2, [4,7,9,0,3]) = [9,0,3] and drop(0, [2,4,6,8]) = [2,4,6,8]. If n is larger than the length of L then drop(n, L) = [ ]. For example, drop(8, [2,4,6]) = [ ].

    Using the conceptual view of lists that we have used in class, write equations that tell how to compute drop(n, L) for any nonnegative number n and any list L. Check that your equations are true by trying an example of each.


  2. Translate the equations for drop that you got in the preceding question to yields a C++ definition of function drop.


  3. Suppose that take(n, L) is intended to return the length n prefix of list L. For example, take(2, [4,7,9,0,3]) = [4,7], take(3, [2,4,6,8,10,12,14]) = [2,4,6], take(1, [2,4,6]) = [2] and take(0, [1,2,3,4]) = [ ]. If n is larger than the length of L then take(n, L) = L. For example, take(8, [2,4,6]) = [2,4,6].

    Using the conceptual view of lists that we have used in class, write equations that tell how to compute take(n, L) for any nonnegative number n and any list L. Check that your equations are true by trying an example of each.


  4. Translate the equations that you derived for the preceding question to produce a definition of function take in C++.


  5. Suppose that isPrefix(A, B) is intended to return true if list A is a prefix of list B. For example, isPrefix([2,4], [2,4,6]) = true but isPrefix([2,4], [2,5,4]) = false. Every list is a prefix of itself, so isPrefix([3,6,8], [3,6,8]) = true. The empty list is a prefix of every list, so isPrefix([ ], [2,9]) = true.

    Using the conceptual view of lists that we have used in class, write equations that tell how to compute isPrefix(A, B) for any two lists A and B. Check that your equations are true by trying an example of each.


  6. Translate your equations for isPrefix into a C++ definition of function isPrefix.


  7. Suppose that function removeFirst(n, L) is intended to return the result of removing the first occurrence of n from list L. For example, removeFirst(4, [2,4,6]) = [2,6], removeFirst(3, [3,5,3]) = [5,3] and removeFirst(8, [8]) = [ ]. If n does not occur in list L, then removeFirst(n, L) = L. For example, removeFirst(3, [2,4,6]) = [2,4,6].

    Using the conceptual view of lists that we have used in class, write equations that tell how to compute removeFirst(n, L) for any integer n and list L. Check that your equations are true by trying an example of each.


  8. Translate your equations for removeFirst into a C++ definition of removeFirst. Notice that removeFirst does not change the list. It builds a new list.


  9. (This problem requires more thought than previous problems, but it is well within your reach.) Say that list A is a sublist of list B if you can obtain list A by removing zero or more members of list B, without rearranging the remaining members. For example, [2,3,6] is a sublist of [1,2,3,4,5,6,7], since you can obtain list [2,3,6] by removing the 1, 4, 5 and 7 from [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]. Since you can delete no members, every list is a sublist of itself. Since you are not allowed to do any rearrangement, [2,4,5] is not a sublist of [4,2,5].

    Suppose that isSublist(A, B) is intended to return true if list A is a sublist of list B. Using the conceptual view of lists that we used in class, write equations that tell how to compute isSublist(A, B) for any lists A and B. Check your equations using examples.

    Hint. The empty list is a sublist of every list, and it is the only sublist of the empty list. For longer lists, you are trying to match up members of B with corresponding members of A, possibly ignoring some members of B. When there is a match between the first members of A and B, it is always safe to presume that those two values are a correct match. For example, isSublist([2,4,6], [2,3,4,5,6]) = isSublist([4,6], [3,4,5,6]) because you can assume that, if it is possible to remove zero or members of [2,3,4,5,6] to yield [2,4,6], you can always do that by leaving the 2 at the beginning of [2,3,4,5,6] and removing other members (if any).


  10. Translate your equations for isSublist(A, B) from the preceding question into C++. That is, define isSublist in C++.
