Computer Science 3675
Section 001
Fall 2016
Programming Assignment 5

Assigned: Wednesday, October 5
Due: Wednesday, November 2, 11:59pm

Purpose of this assignment

This assignment has you put higher-order functions to work on a larger problem using defined types.

It is very important that you keep your function definitions short, simple and easy to understand. Document your work!

Parsing and file name

Two files are provided for you.

  1. sequent.cmg is a starting point. Add more to that file to finish the assignment.

  2. parseSequent.cmg contains support for parsing a string and producing a sequent.

Please call your program sequent.cmg. Module parseSequent.cmg assumes that it is called sequent.cmg.

Propositional logic

I assume that you are familiar with the basics of propositional logic. We will restrict ourselves to a subset that allows propositional variables and operations ¬, , and . (See the precedence rules.)

We say that a propositional formula is valid if it is true no matter what values the propositional variables have. For example, P ∨ ¬P is a valid propositional formula, as is PQP∨Q.

Sequent logic

Sequent logic is described in the textbook in exercise 5.17, pages 219 and 220. A sequent has the form α |– β where α and β are lists of formulas. Sequent α |– β means "If all of the formulas in list α are true then at least one of the formulas in list β is true."

For example, sequent P, Q |– P, Q says that, if P and Q are both true then at least one of P and Q is true.

If the left-hand list in a sequent is empty, it is treated as true. So sequent |‐ PP says that formula PP is true.

If the right-hand list in a sequent is empty, it is treated as false, So P∧¬P |– says that, if P∧¬P is true then false is true. Since false is not true, that sequent can be read as saying that P∧¬P is false.

A sequent is valid if it is true no matter what the values of the variables are. All of the sequents shown in this section are valid.

We will use notation for sequents where an English letter refers to a single formula while a Greek letter refers to a list of formulas. For example, x, α |‐ β indicates that the left-hand list consists of formula x followed by the formulas in list α. Handling of lists is informal. For example, list x, α is the list of formula x followed by the formulas in list α.

Basic sequents

A sequent is basic if some formula occurs in both the left-hand list and the right-hand list. For example, sequent P, Q |– P, Q is basic, as is P, Q |– Q.

Every basic sequent is valid. (Why?) That gives us a starting point for proving that other, nonbasic sequents are valid.

Rules of inference

A rule of inference lets you derive new valid sequents from other sequents that you already know are valid. Page 220 of the textbook shows some rules of inference. Each shows one or more sequents above a line and one sequent below the line. Such a rule means that, if you know that all of the sequents above the line are valid, then the sequent below the line is valid.

There are two rules for each logical operator; one rule adds a formula with the given operator to the left-hand list and one rule adds a formula with the given operator to the right-hand list.

Goal-directed proofs

A goal-directed proof works backwards. You start with a sequent that you want to prove valid. Find an inference rule that would work. (That is discussed below.) Then prove each of the sequents that is above the line in the rule. Each of those proofs also proceeds in a goal-directed fashion.

Eventually, you wind up trying to prove one of two kinds of sequents. In one case, the sequent is basic, and you can conclude that it is valid.

In the other case, the sequent is not basic, but all of its formulas are just propositional variables; there are no logical operators. A nonbasic sequent with no logical operators is always invalid. For example, sequent P |– Q is not valid.

The assignment

The assignment is to write a Cinnameg program that reads a sequent and responds by saying whether the sequent is valid. You are required to do this using the design below. (For example, don't use truth-tables instead.)

Try to use higher order functions to make the program shorter and simpler.


Types Formula and Sequent are defined in the template file. A value of type Formula is a propositional formula. A value of type Sequent is a sequent.

If f is a function that takes a parameter of type α and yields a result of type β, then f has type α → β. (The arrow is written in programs as ->.)

Ordered pair (true, "goat") has type (Boolean, String).

If x is a list whose members have type T, then x has type [T].

Maybe of Integer is a type whose members have two kinds: nothing and something(n), where n is an integer. Value nothing indicates that there is nothing here. Value something(n) indicates integer n; so there is something here. (You can think of nothing as analogous to null in Java.)

You will want to use type Maybe of [Sequent] as the result type of a function that handles an inference rule. The function returns something(L) if L is a list of subgoals that come out of the inference rule. It returns nothing if the inference rule cannot be applied at all.


You will want to provide an expectation for each of your functions. Paragraph

  Expect validSequent?: Sequent -> Boolean.
indicates that you will define a function called validSequent? that takes a sequent as a parameter and yields a boolean result.

If you write an expectation for a function then you can use that function anywhere in the program (before or after the expectation and the definition.)

Please document what your functions do. Here is an example.

  Expect validSequent?: Sequent -> Boolean
    %: validSequent?(x) is true if sequent x is
    %: valid.

Design and hints

  1. Get the template file. Use it as a starting point. It defines types Formula and Sequent.

    There are five kinds of formula: A variable (with a name), and one for each logical operator. Expression vbl "P" \/ vbl "Q" is the formula P ∨ Q.

    There is just one kind of sequent. Expression [vbl "P", vbl "Q"] |- [vbl "Q"] is sequent P, Q |– Q.

    You can use type constructors in patterns. For example, case

      case f(vbl name) = …
    is only used if the parameter is a formula that is a variable with name name, and
      case f(a /\ b) = …
    is only used if the formula is a conjunction (of a and b). Similarly,
      g(alpha |- beta) = …
    says that g takes a sequent as its parameter, with left-hand list alpha and right-hand list beta.

    You can use a type constructor for Formula as testers by adding a question mark to the end of it. For example, neg?(x) is true if x has the form neg(y) for some y. Similarly, /\?(x) is true if formula x was built using constructor /\. Each such tester has type Formula → Boolean, and the template file defines abbreviation FormulaTester for that type.

  2. Define a function that tests whether a given sequent is basic. Consider using someSatisfy and `in`.

  3. Define a function moveToFront that takes a list of formulas fs and a FormulaTester t.

    1. If list fs contains a formula x such that t(x) is true, then moveToFront should return a reordered version of list fs where x has been moved to the beginning.

    2. If list fs does not contain such a formula, then moveToFront should return fs (unchanged).

    Use select and operator −/.

  4. For each rule of inference R, define a function of type Sequent → Maybe of [Sequent]. (You can call that type Rule, using an abbreviation given in the template file.) This function should take a goal sequent s and produce a result of type Maybe of [Sequent].

    1. If rule R applies to sequent s, then this function should apply R and yield something(L) where L is a list of subgoals needed to prove s according to rule R.

    2. If rule R does not apply to sequent s, then this function should return nothing.

    This function for rule R should try to find a formula on the appropriate side of sequent s. If there is one, this function should move it to the front of the list.

    For example, Rule negL can be defined by

      case negLHelp (neg x :: alpha |- beta) = something [alpha |- x :: beta]
      case negLHelp (?)                      = nothing;
      negL(alpha |- beta) = negLHelp(moveToFront neg? alpha |- beta)

  5. Write a function that takes a list of sequents and returns true if every sequent in the list is valid. Use allSatisfy.

    You will need to use a function that tests whether a single sequent is valid, which you have not yet written. I hope that doesn't bother you.

  6. Write a function that takes a sequent and a list of Rules (that is, a list of functions), and tries to use each rule on the sequent. If a rule applies, it should use that rule to get one or two new goals, and should test whether the new goals are valid.

    If a rule can be used and the new goals are valid, this function should return true. (That is, it has found a proof that the sequent is valid.) If none of the rules applies, or if it is not possible to prove one of the new goals, this function should return false, indicating that it has not found a proof using the given list of rules that the sequent is valid.

  7. Write a function that takes a sequent and tells whether the sequent is valid. First, test for a basic sequent. For a non-basic sequence, try all of the inference rules. If none of those rules works, the sequent is not valid.

    It is most efficient to try the rules that only have one sequent above the line in the inference rule before trying those with two sequents above the line, since that tends to reduce the proliferation of sequents to test. Order the rules appropriately.

  8. Write valid?, which takes a formula and returns true if it is valid. Formula x is valid if and only if sequent |– x is valid. (In the program you would write [] |- [x].)

  9. Write an Execute block that reads a line of text, converts the line to a sequent, and says whether the sequent is valid. Import parseSequent.cmg for a parser that converts a string into a sequent or formula. You can use

      Match $(s: Sequent) = str.
    to convert a string to a sequent called s, and
      Match $(f: Formula) = str.
    to convert str to a formula called f.

    Write input formulas as you would in a program, except that a variable is just a name consisting of one or more letters and that you use − for negation. Write a sequent by writing a comma-separated list of zero or more formulas, then |-, then another comma-separated list of zero or more formulas. You can put spaces between things (or not) and you can use parentheses. For example,

      P \/ Q, -Q |- (P /\ Q ==> P \/ Q), P
    is suitable for input as a sequent.

    If you write a formula as a string constant in a program, be sure to double all backslashes. For example, "P \\/ Q" is P \/ Q.

    The syntax that the parser uses is as follows.

        sequent   → formulas |- formulas
        formulas  → formula , formulas
                  |  formula
        formula   → sum ==> formula
                  |  sum
        sum       → term \/ sum
                  |  term
        term      → component /\ term
                  |  component
        component → - component
                  |  ( formula )
                  |  vblname
        vblname   → letter
                  |  letter vblname

Extra credit

Instead of providing only a yes or no answer concerning the validity of a sequent or formula, rework the program so that it shows a proof. Be sure to keep a copy of the version that does not include the extra credit so that you have a backup in case this does not work out.

First, add the following to the export part of your package.

%%               Inference
%: inference(old, new) indicates that new is
%: inferred based on prior inferences in
%: list old.  inference([], s) indicates that
%: s is basic.

Type Inference = inference ([Sequent], Sequent).

%%               Proof
%: A proof is either [], indicating
%: that the proof was not successful, or is
%: a list of inferences that prove a given
%: sequent.
%: The sequent that is proved is the right-hand
%: side of the last inference. So 
%: [..., inference(x,s)] proves sequent s.

Abbrev Proof = [Inference].

Also add the following to the expectations.

  proof: Sequent -> Proof
    %: proof(s) yields one of the following.
    %:   If s is valid:
    %:     a list of one or more inference 
    %:     steps that prove s.
    %:   If s is not valid:
    %:     []

  ShowProof: Proof -> ();

  cmg.$: Inference -> String;

In the implementation part, write definitions of proof and ShowProof. Here is a definition of $ for Inference. Symbol |= is used in mathematical logic to mean "proves." It is like the horizontal line in a rule of inference, but for cases where you write the rule in one line.

%%                     $ (Inference)

Define $(inference(a,b)) = $(a) ++ " |= " ++ $(b).

You will want to make some functions that yield boolean results in the original program yield values of type Proof instead. You will probably find the following useful.

Be sure to plan your ideas before you start coding.

The difficulty of checking validity

The validity problem is the problem of determining whether a given propositional formula is valid. In general, the validity problem takes a long time to solve for long formulas. It belongs to a family of problems called coNP-complete problems, and all of those problems are conjectured not to have any algorithm that runs in time nk for any fixed k, where n is the length of the formula.

It is possible that you will run into that issue when asking whether certain formulas are valid; your program will run a long time. More likely, you will stay away from the really difficult ones.


Logical operators


¬P is true precisely when P is false.

PQ is true precisely when both P and Q are true.

PQ is true precisely when at least one of P and Q is true.

PQ is equivalent to (¬P)∨Q.


By convention, ¬ has the highest precedence, followed by ∧, then ∨, with ⇒ having the lowest precedence.

Submitting your work

Submit theorem prover in the usual way. Be sure to indicate that the assignment number is 5. Use command

  ~abrahamsonk/3675/bin/submit 5 sequent.cmg
   ~abrahamsonk/3675/bin/submit 5
will tell you what you have submitted.