Description of a Very Small
Functional Programming Language


This language is intended as a programming project for CSCI 5220, Program Translation. The project is to write a compiler and interpreter for this language.


Functional programming languages have been around since the early days of Lisp. Based on Church's lambda-calculus, they have a few common characteristics.

  1. All computation is performed by using pure functions. A function takes a parameter and produces a result. There is no notion of a side effect. There are no variables, or anything that can change while a program is computing. Data structures cannot be modified.

  2. Programs are declarative. They consist of a collection of facts.

  3. Functions are considered values, just like other values. You can pass a function to another function, receive a function as the result of a function, etc.

  4. Implementation issues such as memory management the pollute the pure notion of functions are handled by the language implementation, not by the programmer.

To somebody who has only used imperative programming languages, functional languages initially seem very strange, to the point of being impossible to use. How can you compute if you cannot change anything? How can you manage without variables? And yet, functional languages are popular among programmers who bother to learn how to use them. The reason is that they tend to yield short, simple programs for some problems that would be quite difficult to solve in other styles. Programmers often find that their programs work the first time they are tried, or with only a tiny amount of fixing, far more often than even the programmers feel they have a right to expect.

Examples of functional programming languages are Lisp, Standard ML and Haskell. There are many others. Not all functional languages offer only functional programming. Standard ML, for example, also offers imperative features. We are only interested here in a pure language, though.

This document describes a bar-bones functional programming language. We will call it SFL, for Small Functional Language.


The values of SFL have the following forms.

true, false

Values true and false are simple values used as the results of tests.


Integers (..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...) are values. Integers are restricted to the range from -231 to 231-1. Attempting to compute an integer outside of that range yields an error.

'a', 'b', ...

Characters 'a', 'b', etc. are values. The alphabet is the ASCII alphabet.


A list of zero or more values is a value. We will write lists in square brackets, with commas separating the list members. For example, [1,2,3] is a list of three things. [3] is a list with just one integer in it. ['a','b'] is a list of two characters. [] is the empty list.

Different types of things can be mixed in a list. For example, you can create list [true, 'a', 15].


Functions are values. Each function takes exactly one parameter, and produces exactly one result.


An actor is a thing that can be run. When it is run, it performs an action, such as reading or printing a character, and then produces a value as its answer. It does not take any parameters.


A name, or an identifier, is a sequence of letters containing at least one letter. The reserved words and, case, def, else, end, false, in, let, not, or and true are not allowed to be used as identifiers.

Identifiers are used to name values. They are not variables. They just refer to things.


An expression is evaluated to produce a value. The expressions have the following forms.


An identifier is an expression, assuming it occurs in a context where that identifier is defined. It stands for the value that the identifier names. So x is the thing named by x.


'a' is the character constant (lower case a). Character constants allow letters, digits, special characters (other than the newline character) and the special sequence '\n' (a newline character).


Integer constants are written in standard decimal notation.

A == B

Expresson A == B has value true if A and B have the same value, and false if A and B have different values.

A < B

Expression A < B has value true if the value of A is strictly less than the value of B, and false otherwise.

A or B

A or B is equivalent to case A => true | else => B end.

A and B

A and B is equivalent to case A => B | else => false end.

not A

not A is equivalent to case A => false | else => true end.

A + B

A + B produces the sum of the values of A and B.

A - B

A - B produces the difference of the values of A and B.

A * B

A * B produces the product of the values of A and B.

A / B

A / B produces the integer quotient of the values of A and B. For example, expresssion 5/3 has value 1.

A : B

A : B produces a list L such that head(L) is the value of expression A, and tail(L) is the value of expression B.


If A and B are expressions, then A B is an expression. The value of A must be a function. If the value of A is function f, and the value of B is value v, then evaluating A B produces the value f (v), the result of applying function f  to value v.

case C1 => E1 | C2 => E2 | ... | else => En+1 end

Expression case C1 => E1 | C2 => E2 | ... | Cn=> En | else => En+1 end is evaluated by testing conditions C1, ..., Cn in the order written. If expression C1 evaluates to true, then the value of this case expression is the value of expression E1. If C1 evaluates to false, but C2 evaluates to true, then the value of expression E2 is the value of the case expression. In general the value is the value of Ei where Ci is the first of the conditions whose value is true. If none of the conditions is true, then the value is En+1.

The else phrase is required. There must be at least one condition. So n > 0.

let x = A in B end

If x is an identifier and A and B are expressions then expression let x = A in B end has the value of expression B, but while B is evaluated, identifier x names the value of expression A. Expression let x = A in B end has the same value as ((\ x -> B) A).

\ x -> A

The value of expression \ x -> A is a function f  defined by f (x) = A. What occurs after the \ is an identifier, and that identifier can be used in expression A.

( A )

Expression (A) has the same meaning as expression A.


Any sequence of expression separated by commas and surrounded by [...] is an expression whose value is a list of the values of the expressions listed. There can be any number of expressions in the list, including none. For example, expression [2+3, 8+4] has value [5,12]. Expression [A,B,C] is has the same meaning as ((A):(B):(C):[ ]).


A string constant stands for a list of characters. String constant "abcd" stands for ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'].

A ; B

A ; B assumes that A and B are expressions that produce actors. It is an expression whose result is an actor, namely, the actor that does the following when it is run: (1) it runs A, and throws away A's result; (2) it runs B, and produces the result that B produced. Notice that evaluating expression A ; B does not perform any actions. It only builds an actor; it does not run the actor.

Function seq is described below. A ; B is the same as seq(A, B).

x <- A ; B

This expression requires that A and B are expressions that produce actors. It produces another actor that works as follows when it is run: (1) it runs A, and makes x be a name for A's result, and (2) it runs B (which can mention x) and produces B's result.

Function seqf is described below. Expression x <- A ; B has the same meaning as seqf(A, \x -> B).

Precedence and associativity

Ambiguity is resolved by the following precedence and associativity rules. The table lists operators from high precedence to low precedence, with an associativity for each.

Operator Associativity
(juxtaposition) left
*, / left
+, - left
: right
==, < none (x == y == z is not allowed)
and left
or left
; left
\ ... -> n/a

Standard functions and constants

The following definitions are available to all programs.

Name Meaning
head Function head is defined so that head(L) is the first member of list L.
tail tail(L) produces the tail (all but the first member) of list L.
nilq nilq(L) is true just when L is an empty list.
listq listq(v) is true just when v is a list.
integerq integerq(v) is true just when v is an integer.
boolq boolq(v) is true just when v is a boolean value.
charq charq(v) is true just when v is a character.
functionq functionq(v) is true just when v is a function.
seq seq(A,B) builds an actor from actors A and B. When the actor produced by seq(A,B) is run, it runs A, ignores A's result, runs B and produces B's result as its own result.
seqf seqf(A,F) builds an actor from actor A and function F. When the actor produced by seqf(A,F) is run, it runs A, getting a result r, then computes F(r), which must be an actor, then runs F(r) and produces its result as its own result.
return return(x) yields an actor that does no action, and produces result x.
print print is a function that takes either a character or a list of characters or a list of lists of characters, etc., and produces an actor. If c is a character, then the actor produced by print(c), when run, prints character c on the standard output, and produces [ ] as its result. If s is a list of characters, then print(s) produces an actor that prints all of the characters in s, in order, on the standard output, and yields result [ ]. Generally, the actor produced by print(L) prints all of the characters in list L, regardless of how many levels of lists it lies within.
read read is an actor. It reads one character from the standard input and returns that character. Each time read is run, it gets the next character from the standard input.

Error handling

Sometimes an expression cannot produce a value. For example, you cannot divide by 0, and you cannot take the head of an empty list. The value of a condition in a case might not be true or false. You might be asked to add a boolean value to a function. All such errors will cause a program to stop immediately. There is no support for recovering from sending bad data to one of the standard functions or operators.


def x = E end

This definition indicates that x names the value of expression E.

def A B = E end

This is equivalent to def A = \ B -> E end

Examples of definitions

A number


  def twenty = 20 end

defines identifier twenty to name number 20.

List concatenation

The following is a definition of the list concatenation function, cat. For example, expression (cat [2,4] [6,8]) yields result [2,4,6,8].

   def cat x y =
       nilq x => y
     | else   => head x : cat (tail x) y

Notice that, since juxtaposition is left-associative, an equivalent definition is

   def (cat x) y =
       nilq x => y
     | else   => head x : cat (tail x) y

Now, according to the rule for a definition where the expression being defined is a juxaposition of two other expressions, this is the same as

   def cat x =
     \y ->
         nilq x => y
       | else   => head x : cat (tail x) y

The expression being defined is still a juxtaposition. Using the same rule again yields

   def cat =
     \x ->
       \y ->
           nilq x => y
         | else   => head x : cat (tail x) y

Function composition

Here is a function composition function. (compose f g) is a function which, when applied to x, produces f(g(x)).

   def compose f g x = f(g x)

An actor that reads and echoes a character

The following defines a function that reads and prints one character.

  def readAndEcho =
    x <- read;
    print x

An actor that reads a line

The following actor reads a line of text and returns it, as a list of characters, without the newline character.

  def readline =
    c <- read;
        c == '\n' => return []
      | else      => rest <- readline; 


A program is a sequence of definitions, one after another. When a program is run, the language implementation evalutes the definition of main. If main is an actor or a sequence node (see the implementation), then the implementation runs that actor. Otherwise, it prints the value of main (after reduction to normal form), in a form that looks similar to a program.