East Carolina University
Department of Computer Science

CSCI 4180
Big Data Analytics
Standard Syllabus

3 credits Prepared by Nasseh Tabrizi, May 2018

Catalog entry

P: CSCI 3700. Hands-on introduction to very big data and the practical issues surrounding how the data is stored, processed, analyzed, and visualized. Work with cloud-based high performance computing systems, large data collections, and high velocity data streams.

Course summary

Introduces students to technologies, algorithms, and architecture for analyzing very large data sets.

Course topics

Student learning outcomes


Mining of Massive Datasets by Jure Leskovec, Anand Rajaraman, Jeffrey D. Ullman


The course is graded using a combination of a group project (20%), Homeworks (10%), weekly quizzes (10%), a midterm exam (30%), and a final exam (30%). Letter grades are as follows: 94 or higher is an A; 90 or higher is an A-; 87 or higher is a B+; 83 or higher is a B; 80 or higher is a B-; 77 or higher is a C+; 73 or higher is a C; 70 or higher is a C-; 67 or higher is a D+; 63 or higher is a D; 60 or higher is a D-; and lower than 60 is an F.

Grade meanings

Grade Meaning
A  Achievement substantially exceeds basic course expectations
B Achievement exceeds basic course expectations
C Achievement adequately meets basic course expectations
D Achievement falls below basic course expectations
F Failure – achievement does not justify credit for course