East Carolina University
Department of Computer Science

CSCI 4130
Information Retrieval
Standard Syllabus

3 credits Prepared by Venkat Gudivada, May 2018

Catalog entry

P: CSCI 2540; MATH 2228 or MATH 2283. Theory and algorithms for modeling and retrieving text. Text representation, IR models, query operations, retrieval evaluation, information extraction, text classification and clustering, enterprise and Web search, and recommender systems.

Course summary

Have you ever wondered about how web search engines scour the web and find relevant documents to a query in a fraction of a second? Information Retrieval (IR) is the foundation for modern search engines.

Search is not limited to web documents. You can use IR technologies for searching digital libraries, enterprise document collections, and documents on your desktop computer. To see the power of IR in desktop search, try Spotlight Search on Mac computers.

In this course you will learn the core topics underlying the modern search technologies -- algorithms, data structures, indexing, query execution, and ranking search results. You will also learn about evaluating IR systems and developing search applications using open-source IR libraries and frameworks.

Course topics

Student learning outcomes


Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan, and Hinrich Schütze. Introduction to information retrieval. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2008. ISBN: 978-0521865715.

Other required material


Course grade is based on four components:

Activity Weight (%)
Assignments (paper-and-pencil) 20
Assignments (programming) 30
Midterm exam 20
Final exam 30

Grade meanings

Grade Meaning
A  Achievement substantially exceeds basic course expectations
B Achievement exceeds basic course expectations
C Achievement adequately meets basic course expectations
D Achievement falls below basic course expectations
F Failure – achievement does not justify credit for course