East Carolina University
Department of Computer Science

CSCI 1010/1011
Algorithmic Problem solving
Standard Syllabus

4 credits Prepared by Karl Abrahamson, May 2018

Catalog entry

3 lecture and 2 lab hours per week. P: Appropriate score on math section of the SAT/ACT or MATH 1065 or CSCI 1000; C: CSCI 1011. Design of algorithms and their implementation as programs in a high-level programming language such as Java.

Course summary

This is a course on computer programming and algorithmic problem solving. No prior programming experience is required, but students with weak mathematical backgrounds are strongly encouraged to take CSCI 1000/1003 before taking CSCI 1010/1011.

The objective is to develop a solid foundation in computer programming knowledge and skills.

Currently, this course uses Java as the programming language. But this is not a course on using tools or on any particular programming language. We will discuss tools and language issues as they are needed, but they are not the focus. The focus is problem solving and programming.

Course topics

Student learning outcomes


Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving & Programming, sixth edition by Walter Savitch and Frank Carrano. Pearson. 2012.


Grading is on the basis of weekly or biweekly quizzes, a comprehensive final examination, approximately twelve programming assignments and attendance. Quizzes count for a total of 36% of the grade, the final exam for 20%, the programming assignments for 34% and attendance for 10%.

Grade meanings

Grade Meaning
A  Achievement substantially exceeds basic course expectations
B Achievement exceeds basic course expectations
C Achievement adequately meets basic course expectations
D Achievement falls below basic course expectations
F Failure – achievement does not justify credit for course