
1a: Elementary Algorithm Analysis
Responsibilities for CSCI 3650

Note. Before teaching this course, consult the Response section of the assessment data page for a recent term of this course. Be sure to do what the Response section says should be done.


Reinforcement and Assessment of Competence

Here, the student is expected to put the ability to use and to demonstrate not only competence in its use but also competence in choosing where to use it. The student's competence is assessed.

The setting for student learning

In CSCI 3650, students are taught more advanced techniques for designing algorithms and also for analyzing them. One of the important techniques taught is the divide and conquer paradigm. The analysis of algorithms designed using this technique typically involves setting up a recurrence system and then solving it. We test the ability of students to analyze an algorithm designed using divide and conquer paradigm.

Good. The students are able to come up with the correct recurrence relation and boundary condition from a study of the given algorithm. They are able to solve the recurrence system and determine a tight bound on the worst case complexity of the algorithm.

Satisfactory. The students are able to come up with the correct recurrence relation and boundary condition from a study of the given algorithm. However, they are not able to solve it properly and determine the worst case complexity.

Unsatisfactory. The students are not even able to come up with the correct recurrence relation, let alone solve it properly.

At least 70% of students who pass CSCI 3650 are rated either satisfactory or better with at least 50% rated as good.