Creating Blank Assessment Forms

To create blank assessment forms, first get course rosters. Install the roster for course CSCI 2405 section 001 in term 2021-Fall into private/preData/2021-Fall/rosters/CSCI2405-001.csv. Keep the roster name in the format shown. Don't invent new names, or the software won't pick it up.

Once rosters are installed, run

  bin/buildBlankDataForms 2021-Fall
It will build the blank data forms and put them into directory private/preData/2021-Fall/blank.

If you run

it installs blank data forms for all terms.

Alternatively, use

  bin/buildTerm (term)
The former builds all HTML files for (term) and the latter builds all HTML files for all academic years and terms.

bin/buildBlankDataForms uses information about courses in directory public/assessment/(acyr)/outcomes/course-info. For each course (course) that is assessed, there is a file public/assessment/(acyr)/outcomes/course-info/(course).csv. Its first line lists abilities that (course) assesses and the second line is a parallel list of GSU or EGSU strings telling the possible scores for those abilities.