Creating, Deleting or Renaming a Course

Each course has a directory that contains its standard syllabus. For example, the directory for CSCI 2405 is public/academic/courses/(acyr)/csci2405, where (acyr) is an academic year such as 2021-2022.

To delete a course, delete its directory for the academic year that the deletion applies to.

To create a course, create a directory for it in the academic year that the course creation applies to. Note that courses approved this year do not exist until next year. Create a standard syllabus for the new course. Call it syllabus.html. The software requires that. See syllabus.html for other courses for a general layout. Stick with the same overall format.

Each syllabus directory contains a file called title.txt that contains the course title. If the course is renamed, edit that file. When a new course is created, add that file.

After creating or deleting a course, run

  bin/buildCourses (acyr)
where (acyr) is the academic year to update the HTML files for courses. Just installing a new syllabus for an existing course does not require that.

Alternatively, use

  bin/buildAcademicYear (acyr)
The former builds all HTML files that are under a directory entitled (acyr), where (acyr) is an academic year, and the latter builds all HTML files for all academic years and terms.