How to Submit Assessment Information

Submitting your roster

Get a CSV roster file from PiratePort. Open the roster uploader and fill it out. You will get a CSV file for your assessment results.

Each column of the CSV file that you get from the roster uploader is labeled by an ability, such as 1a, and a string such as GSU, which tells the allowed scores (here, G, S and U). When you are ready, fill in the score for each student. Use single-letter scores as indicated by the column heading. Do not add columns or rows to the CSV file.

Keep all students who did not drop the course, even those who failed. You can remove rows for students who dropped the course.

What if I am teaching more than one section of a course?

Normally, you should not modify the content of the roster file that you get from PiratePort. But if you teach more than one section of a course, combine the roster files and only submit one roster file for all sections that you teach. Be sure that there is only one heading line. All other lines should begin with the Banner ID of a student. You might want to sort the combined roster by student last name.

When you combine roster files, say that the section is the smallest section number that you teach. For example, if you teach CSCI 3030 sections 001 and 002, then say that the section is 001 in the roster uploader.

Submitting results

This page gives exact requirements for submitting assessment results and samples of student work. You must follow the instructions. If you don't, no results will show up for your course.

Fill out the CSV data file. Use a single letter (such as G, S or U) for each student, for each heading.

There are two options for submitting assessment results.

  1. Create an archive (such as holding

    1. The completed CSV data file
    2. Samples of student work (see below for details)
    3. Explanations and assignments associated with the samples (See below for details)
    and send the archive to

    Follow the naming requirements below. Any files that do not follow the naming requirements will either not be included or will be put in the wrong place.

  2. Open the data uploader. You can transfer one file at a time. Note that nothing will be shown on the assessment page unless you have submitted a data CSV file. Do not submit more than one CSV file. If you do, you will need to ask for help deleting all but one.

Naming requirements for samples of student work

All samples of student work must have file names that begin AA-S where AA is a two-character ability and S is a one-character score. For example, a sample file whose name begins 1a-g is an example of student work that scores G for ability 1a. (The G can be upper or lower case in the file name. The ability name must be lower case.)

The simplest sample file name is similar to, where xxx is the file type. Use that when you have just one sample for score g of ability 1a.

Multiple samples

To submit more than one sample for an (ability, score) pair, follow the initial part of the file name by the sample number. For example, files, and are three different samples for score G of ability 1a.

You can have a maximum of 9 samples for a single (ability, score) pair.

Multiple files associated with one sample

If you have a sample that consists of two or more files, add -1, -2, etc. to the file names. For example, files and are two files that together comprise a single sample for score G of ability 1a.

Explanation and assignment files

An explanation file for sample files,, ... should have name or An explanation file for sample files,, ... should have name

A file that contains the assignment used for sample files,, ... should have name or An assignment file for sample files,, ... should have name

Response file

Every faculty member contributes to assessment and department responses to assessment. Please submit a file that is your recommendation for the department's response to the student performance in your course, as indicated in the data CSV file.

Put your response in a file called response.txt. Do not choose any other name for that file. If you choose a different name, such as response.docx or response-1a.txt, your response will not show up. If you have multiple abilities, simply create a heading for each.

The response file will be embedded in an HTML document. You can use HTML tags and special characters. If your response is more than one paragraph, introduce each paragraph with <p>.

Include the goals and whether they were met. But try to go beyond that. Your response can recommend changes in:

Please avoid recommendations that require curriculum committee approval (such as changing the number of credits). If your response calls for a change in the assessment rubric, please send an email about it to the Chair of the Assessment Committee and the assessment data administrator. If your response calls for a change in the curriculum, prerequisites or the standard syllabus, please send your recommendation to the Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee.

Do not use characters from an extended character set, such as special apostrophes, left and right quote marks or dashes. They will not appear correctly in an HTML document. Stick with 7-bit ASCII (the characters that you can type directly on your keyboard). If you need special characters, use HTML character names, such as &ndash;.

Note. You can submit the response file after you have seen the assessment statistics for it. Open the data file uploader and fill it in.

Follow-up file

The term or year after you teach this course, submit a file that discusses whether the recommendations in the response were followed. If so, what effect did they have? If not, why not? Call the file followup.txt

The follow-up will be added to the assessment page for the course.

To submit the follow-up file, open the data file uploader and fill it in.