Installing Offered Courses

It is important to install information about offered courses. That information is used when creating assessment reports to find the instructor for each course.

To tell which courses are offered in a particular term (term), create public/academic/offered/(term)/offered.csv, which tells which courses (and sections) are offered, and who is teaching each one. Each line lists a course and an instructor, separated by a comma. See offered.csv for prior terms for examples. Use the course-name format csci2405-001. The software looks for a course name in that format. The name is case-sensitive. Write csci, not CSCI. Use a dash, not an underscore, between the course number and the section number.

After installing offered.csv, build html information about the offered courses by running

  bin/buildOffered (term)
where (term) is the name of the term to build. If you omit (term), buildOffered builds information about all terms.

Alternatively, use

  bin/buildTerm (term)
The former builds all HTML files for (term) and the latter builds all HTML files for all academic years and terms.