Changing an Outcome

Outcome 1 for academic year (acyr) is described in public/assessment/2021-2022/outcomes/1/index-template.html. To change the outcome or how it is assessed, you might need to edit that file.

Ability 1a of outcome 1 for academic year 2021-2022 is described in public/assessment/2021-2022/outcomes/1/1a/index-template.html. It refers to files for courses in the same directory where assessment is performed. You might need to edit one of those files or index-template.html.

If you change courses where assessment is performed, you will also need to change public/assessment/2021-2022/outcomes/course-info. See changing a rubric for a description of files in that directory.

After changing an outcome, run

  bin/buildPublicAssessment (acyr)
where (acyr) is an academic year, such as 2021-2022.

Alternatively, use

  bin/buildAcademicYear (acyr)
The former builds all HTML files that are under a directory entitled (acyr), where (acyr) is an academic year, and the latter builds all HTML files for all academic years and terms.