Installing Course Portfolios

Course portfolios for term (term) are found in directory ../accreditation-largeitems/portfolios/(term). The portfolio for CSCI 2405 section 001 for 2021-Spring must be put into directory ../accreditation-largeitems/portfolios/2021-Spring/csci2405-001. It should be a PDF file. It can have any name, as long as there is exactly one file in the directory whose name ends on .pdf.

The directory names are case-sensitive. Use csci2405-001, not CSCI2405-001 or any other variant. Include a 3-digit section number. Use a hyphen, not an underscore.

After adding portfolios, run

  bin/buildPorfolios (term)
to update HTML files, where (term) is the term that you want to build. For example,
  bin/buildPorfolios 2021-Fall
updates portfolio HTML files for term 2021-Fall.

Alternatively, use

  bin/buildTerm (term)
The former builds all HTML files for (term) and the latter builds all HTML files for all academic years and terms.