Answer to Question 23A-3

// copyPositives(A, B, n) copies the positive numbers
// in B[0,...,n-1] into array A, preserving order.
// It returns the number of values stored into array A.
// If the return value is k then the positive numbers
// from array B are in A[0,...,k-1].
// Requirement: array A must have enough room for
// all of the positive numbers in B[0,...,n-1].

int copyPositives(int A[], const int B[], const int n)
  // i is the index in B.
  // k is the index in A.

  int i, k;  

  k = 0;
  for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
    if(B[i] > 0)
      A[k] = B[i];
  return k;