Answer to Question 47-1

Changes are in blue. In the case of the array references, .priority has been removed.
  //              reheapUpMax
  // reheapUpMax(i,A) does a reheapUp operation on
  // the max-heap represented by array A,
  // starting at index i.

  void reheapUpMax(const int i, int A[])
    int j = i;
    while(j > 0)
      int p = parent(j);
      if(A[p] < A[j])
        swap(A[p], A[j]);
        j = p;

  //                  reheapDownMax
  // reheapDown(i, A, n) does a reheapDown operation on
  // the max-heap represented by array A, starting at
  // index i.  Parameter n is the number of values
  // currently in the heap.

  void reheapDownMax(const int i, int A[], const int n)
    int p = A[i];
    int j = i;
    while(leftchild(j) < n)  // j is not a leaf
      int lc    = leftchild(j);
      int rc    = rightchild(j);
      int pleft = A[lc];

      if(rc < n)  // j has two children
        int pright = A[rc];
        int m      = max(p, max(pleft, pright));
        if(m == p)
        else if(m == pleft)
          swap(A[j], A[lc]);
          j = lc;
          swap(A[j], A[rc]);
          j = rc;
      else  // j has only a left child.
        if(p < pleft)
          swap(A[j], A[lc]);