Answer to Question 41C-4

  void insertList(const ListCell* L, HashTable& T);

  //             destroyList
  // Delete all the cells in linked list L.

  void destroyList(ListCell* L)
    if(L != NULL)
      delete L;

  //             enlarge
  // Double the size of the array in hash table
  // T.

  void enlarge(HashTable& T)
    int       oldSize = T.size;
    int       newSize = 2*oldSize;
    ListCell* oldA    = T.A;

    T = HashTable(newSize);
    for(int i = 0; i < oldSize; i++)
      insertList(oldA[i], T);
    delete [] oldA;

  //             insert
  // Insert key x with associated item v into
  // hash table T.  If x is already a key in
  // T, then just replace its item by v.

  void insert(const char* x, const char* v, HashTable& T)
    if(T.load >= 2*T.size)

    int h = strhash(x) % T.size;

    // Handle the case where x is already
    // in the table.

    for(ListCell* p = T.A[h]; p != NULL; p = p->tail)
      if(strcmp(p->key, x) == 0)
         p->item = v;

    // Insert a new cell for new key x.

    T.A[h] = new ListCell(x, v, T.A[h]);

  //             insertList
  // For each (key, item) pair in linked list
  // L, insert that pair int hash table T.

  void insertList(const ListCell* L, HashTable& T)
    for(const ListCell* p = L; p != NULL; p = p->tail)
      insert(p->key, p->item, T);