27F. Summary

A structured value is a group of variables that are stored consecutively in memory and that are treated as a single value of a structure type. Define a structure type as in the following example.

  struct Elephant
    int size;
    const char* name;
Variables size and name are called fields of type Elephant, and a structure type can have any number of fields.

If e has type Elephant then the fields of e are e.size and e.name.

If p has type Elephant* then the fields of the structure that p points to are p->size and p->name.

Adding constructors to your structures makes it easier to build initialized structured values. Here is a definition of Elephant with a constructor.

  struct Elephant
    int size;
    const char* name;

    Elephant(int s, const char* n)
      size = s;
      name = n;

      size = 0;
      name = NULL;
Now statement
  Elephant jumbo = new Elephant(1000, "Jumbo");
creates an Elephant with size 1000 and name "Jumbo". When you use a parameterless constructor, do not write ( ). For example,
  Elephant jumbo = new Elephant;
initializes the new Elephant using the parameterless constructor.