Answer to Question 37C-5

Add a shrink function and modify removeFirst.
  //          shrink
  // Halve the physical size of the 
  // array for queue q.

  void shrink(Queue& q)
    int n = q.physicalSize;

    // Copy the old array into a new array.  Move
    // the front to index 0 in the new array.

    int  newsize = n/2;
    int* newA = new int[newsize];
    for(int i = 0; i < q.load; i++)
      newA[i] = q.contents[(q.front + i) % n];

    // Install the new array.

    delete [] q.contents;
    q.contents     = newA;
    q.front        = 0;
    q.physicalSize = newsize;

  //          removeFirst
  // Remove and return the first item in
  // queue q.  If q is empty, return -1
  // and do not modify q.

  void removeFirst(Queue& q)
      return -1;
      int result = q.contents[q.front];
      if(4*q.load <= q.physicalSize)
      q.front = (q.front + 1) % q.physicalSize;
      return result;