5.15.4. Another Example: Dice

This sample class is by Ronnie Smith, with very minor revisions. The idea is that an object of class Dice can simulate rolling a single die. It relies on a pseudo-random number generator, which produces a sequence of apparently random numbers that are not really random at all.

import java.util.*;

public class Dice
   // numSides is the number of sides that this die has.
   // numRolls keeps track of the number of times this
   // die has been rolled.
   // generator is a pseudo-random number generator.

   private int numSides;
   private int numRolls=0;
   private Random generator = new Random();

   // Constructors

   // new Dice() returns a new 6-sided die.
   public Dice()
     numSides = 6;

   // new Dice(n) returns a new die with n sides.

   public Dice(int n)
     numSides = n;

   // Accessors

   // x.getNumSides() returns the number of sides of
   // die x.

   public int getNumSides() 
     return numSides; 

   // x.getNumRolls() returns the number of rolls 
   // stored in die x.

   public int getNumRolls() 
     return numRolls; 

   // Mutators
   // x.setNumSides(n) sets the number of sides of x
   // to n.

   public void setNumSides(int n) 
     numSides = n;

   // x.resetNumRolls sets the number of rolls in x
   // to 0.

   public void resetNumRolls()
     numRolls = 0;

   // Actions

   // x.roll() returns a pseudo-random number between
   // 1 and x.getNumSides(), inclusive.

   public int roll()
     return 1 + generator.nextInt(numSides);

Using the Dice class

The following class illustrates how the Dice class can be used.

import java.util.*;

// Display rolls of 3 different dice, 1 set of rolls per line.
// The command line contains the number of sides of two of
// the dice.  The third has the default 6 sides.

public class DiceTest6
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Dice die1 = new Dice(Integer.parseInt(args[0]));
        Dice die2 = new Dice(Integer.parseInt(args[1])); 
        Dice die3 = new Dice();

        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.print("Enter number of rolls ");
        int timesToRoll = keyboard.nextInt();

        for (int rollNum = 1; rollNum <= timesToRoll; rollNum++)
          System.out.printf("%5d %5d %5d\n",