5.6.4. Additional Control Features

These features are provided for your information. Do not use them for this course.

A , B

When it is not immediately inside parentheses, a comma between two expressions means: evaluate the first expression, ignore its result, then evaluate the second expression and yield its result. For example, expression
  x++, y
changes x and yields the value of y.

The comma operator is provided for special circumstances. Do not overuse it. The coding standards for this course require that you not use the comma operator for sequencing.

goto lbl;

You can explicitly tell the program to jump from one place to another. Write
in front of a statement to label that statement lbl. (Use the same form as a variable name for a label name.) Then statement
  goto lbl;
says to jump to the beginning of the statement labeled lbl.

Use this very sparingly, and only when it makes the program more readable, not less readable. Overuse of gotos is considered very poor practice.

The coding standards for this course require that you not use gotos.