Iostream: Writing to the Standard Output

The iostream library can be used in a C++ program, but not in a C program. To use it, #include <iostream>.

cout << x

Write x to the standard output. What is written depends on the type of x. If x has type int, it will be written as a decimal integer. If x is type char, it will be written as a single character.

cout << x << " " << y << "\n";

You can chain together several writes by writing << in front of each thing to be written. Be careful. If you do not write a space between items, no space will be shown. If you do not write and end-of-line character, no end-of-line will be written.

cout << eol;

You can use eol to stand for "\n".

cout << setwidth(n)

Set the format width for writing. For example, after doing this, an integer will be padded to n characters on the left with spaces. Use setwidth(0) to remove a format width.


This expression returns the current format width. It is useful to remember the old width so that you can restore it.


This is true if an attempt has been made to read something, but the attempt failed because there was nothing left in the file.