11.1. Attributes (Dragon book, Chapter 5)

You have seen that tokens can have attributes that provide additional information. Often, the attribute of a token is the lexeme that was read.

Nonterminals can also have attributes.

To be more precise, an occurrence of a nonterminal on the right-hand side of a production can have an attribute. But it is easier to discuss the attribute of a nonterminal, meaning of a particular occurrence.

Attributes and parse trees

If nonterminal N has an attribute then each node of a parse tree that is labeled by N has such an attribute attached to it.

To illustrate, let's use or simple expression grammar. Each n token has an integer attribute that is defined by the lexer.

Let's make each node that is labeled by a nonterminal have an attribute that is the value of the expression in that node's subtree.

Here is a parse tree for (15 + 3) * 2. The attribute of each node is written beside the node.

               / | \
              /  |  \
             /   |   \
            /    |    \
           T(18) *     F(2)
           |           |
           F(18)       n(2)
         / | \
        /  |  \
       /   |   \
      (   E(18) )
         / | \
        /  |  \
     E(15) +  T(3)
     |        |
     T(15)    F(3)
     |        |
     F(15)    n(3)

Abstract syntax trees as attributes

Although the attribute of a nonterminal can be whatever you want it to be, it is often an abstract syntax tree.

For example, here is a parse tree of (15+3)*2 where the attribute of each internal node is an abstract syntax tree.

               / | \
              /  |  \
             /   |   \
            /    |    \
           T(t3) *     F(t4)
           |           |
           F(t3)       n(2)
         / | \
        /  |  \
       /   |   \
      (   E(t3) )
         / | \
        /  |  \
     E(t1) +  T(t2)
     |        |
     T(t1)    F(t2)
     |        |
     F(t1)    n(3)

Abstract syntax trees t1, t2, … are all in the following diagram.

         t1→ *
            / \
       t3→ +   2 ← t4
          / \
     t1→ 15  3 ←t2