10.2. Bison File Format

A Bison file has a similar form to a Flex file.

   What is written here is copied
   verbatim to the beginning of
   file y.tab.c, the C file that
   Bison generates.

Here, you define tokens, precedence
of tokens and types of attributes.


Here, you write the grammar.


What is written here is copied
verbatim to the end of file y.tab.c.

Defining tokens and precedence

Bison recognizes character constants, such as '=', as tokens. But they must be a single character. You need to tell Bison about other tokens.


%token TOK_ARROW
tells Bison that TOK_ARROW is a token.

Writing the grammar

Write the grammar between the two lines that have only %% on them.

Use a colon instead of → in a production. After the first production in a group, a | introduces another right-hand side with the same left-hand side as before. For example,

expression : expression '+' expression

           | expression '*' expression

           | TOK_NUMBER

describes three productions

expression expression + expression
expression expression * expression
expression TOK_NUMBER

Note the semicolon at the end of the group of productions. It is required.

Programming languages can have large grammars, with a lot of nonterminals. It is a good idea to use descriptive names for nonterminals rather than single-character names.


To write an ε-production, write nothing at all after : or |. But you probably want to write a comment (ignored by Bison). For example,

  StatementList : /* empty */
                | …
creates an erasing production for StatementList.