
2a: Data Structures
Responsibilities for CSCI 2540


Reinforcement and initial assessment

Here, the topic is reinforced with additional instruction and the student continues to put the topic to use. Student learning is assessed.

The setting for student learning

In CSCI 2540, students write software in an object-oriented style, and they are exposed to abstract data types with two or more representations.

Students are required to complete at least one programming assignment that implements and uses at least one abstract data type in an object-oriented style.

Good. The student submits a working solution to a designated programming assignment that contains a correct object-oriented implementation of an abstract data type.

Satisfactory. The student submits a solution to a designated programming assignment that partially works and that contains a correct object-oriented implementation of an abstract data type.

Unsatisfactory. A student's work is unsatisfactory if it does not meet any of the above criteria.

At least 70% of students who pass CSCI 2540 are rated either satisfactory or good, and at least 25% are rated good.