
6d: Relational Databases And SQL
Responsibilities for CSCI 3700


Introduction and assessment of competence

Introduction and assessment of competence

Here, the topic is introduced and reinforced through assignments that require its use. The student's competence is assessed.

The setting for student learning

Students in CSCI 3700 are introduced to the theory and practice of relational database. Fundamental concepts of the relational model and the SQL query language are covered in the course. Students are also required to write simple to complex queries using SQL in assignments and exams. Students are also required to write queries using relational algebra, a theoretical query language.

Good. The student is able to write correct or nearly correct SQL queries for at least 70% of the problems on the exams.

Satisfactory. The student is able to write mostly correct SQL queries for at least 70% of the problems on the exams.

Unsatisfactory. A student's work is unsatisfactory if it does not meet any of the above criteria.

At least 60% of students who pass CSCI 3700 are rated either satisfactory or good, and at least 30% are rated good.