
1a: Elementary Algorithm Analysis
Responsibilities for CSCI 2530


Reinforcement and initial assessment

Here, the topic is reinforced with additional instruction and the student continues to put the topic to use. Student learning is assessed.

The setting for student learning

In CSCI 2530, the basic concept of worst case analysis and Big-O notation will be introduced. Students will be exposed to commonly occurring time complexity functions. Given a fairly simple program fragment (typically involving nested loops), we test the ability of students to come up with a tight bound on the worst case time complexity of the program fragment.

Excellent. The students are able to correctly determine a tight bound and also articulate as to how they arrived at it.

Good. The students are able to correctly determine a tight bound. However, they are unable to provide a complete and correct explanation of how they arrived at it.

Satisfactory. The students are able to come up with a reasonable (not too way off) upper bound on the worst case complexity; however, their bound is not tight. A more careful analysis would yield a tighter bound.

Unsatisfactory. The students are unable to come up with even a reasonable upper bound on the worst case complexity. Either their stated bound is wrong or is very trivial.

At least 80% of students who pass CSCI 2530 are rated either satisfactory or better with at least 60% rated as good or better.