
5a: Teamwork
Responsibilities for CSCI 4230


Assessment of competence

Here, the student is expected to put the ability to use and to demonstrate not only competence in its use but also competence in choosing where to use it. The student's competence is assessed.

The setting for student learning

In CSCI 4230, students have to work together on a team project. They are required to set rules about team communication, schedule (at least) weekly team meetings, and attend these meetings regularly. They are also required to use project tracking tools, like Jira, to assign tasks to specific team members.

Good. The student project documentation includes a clear communication policy, and their project report and status reports show that team members are meeting at least once a week. Tasks in the project tracking tool are assigned to specific team members, and the assignment of tasks if balanced among the various members of the team. Students clearly understand the entire project, including parts they are not implementing, correctly answering 90% or more of the questions posed to them about the project.

Satisfactory. The student project documentation includes a communication policy, and their project report and status reports clearly show that team members are meeting at least once a week, with at most 4 weeks where this is not the case. At least 80% of the tasks in the project tracking tool are assigned to specific team members, and the assignment of tasks if balanced among the various members of the team. Students understand the entire project, correctly answering 75% or more of the questions posed to them about the project.

Unsatisfactory. A student's work is unsatisfactory if it does not meet any of the above criteria.

At least 75% of students who pass CSCI 4230 are rated as either satisfactory or good. At least 25% of students who pass CSCI 4230 are rated as good.